─ Acupuncture FAQs ─
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Originating in ancient China, classical acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It is used by one-third of the world as a primary health care system and has been endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO). This medical model is based on natural laws which describe the flow of life energy in nature and in the body. This life energy, called ch'i, courses through the body in channels similar to rivers that traverse the earth. When the ch'i is not full and flowing, illness can begin. Symptoms are the body's distress signals warning there is a problem. If the real problem is not addressed, something more serious is likely to occur. Classical Acupuncture treats the deeper underlying cause in addition to alleviating the symptom. |
While acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain, it is also helpful for many conditions in which pain is not primary, including a variety of chronic conditions. Classical acupuncture looks at everything about a person's lifestyle and stresses, as well as aches and pains. When the practitioner is able to find and correct the underlying problem, the symptoms will often disappear. Each person is evaluated individually. Because each person is unique, many practitioners discourage publishing specific conditions for which acupuncture may be effective. Acupuncture may be helpful whether you have a major health problem or are in good health and want to facilitate your own personal growth. |
What is recommended when in treatment? |
You may experience various changes, subtle or profound, during and following treatment. All changes will be monitored by your practitioner who is aware of your general progress towards total well-being, as well as the specific improvement of your most important concerns. The progress is different for every individual. The presentation below will outline what is important in order to enhance therapy: |
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Your first visit: Your initial visit is designed to help your practitioner understand why you are seeking treatment, and what may have led to your symptoms. This session begins with an interview which includes your health/ personal history and continues with a physical examination and consultation. It is conducted in complete confidentiality and you will then be advised of the anticipated frequency of treatments. This initial session usually lasts from 1-2 hours. There may or may not be needles used during this visit. Acupuncture sessions: Your particular needs will be attended to in great detail in subsequent sessions. Initially you will be seen weekly in order to cultivate internal harmony which can be sustained between treatments. As harmony is achieved, frequency of the treatments will vary with each individual. |
What is the relationship between acupuncture and conventional medicine? |
While acupuncture is concerned with the whole person and addresses itself with many levels of functioning, it is also a particular form of treatment with its own limitations. Effectiveness is enhanced by health promoting attitudes/behaviors. Patients already being cared for by other providers will need to remain in their care. Acupuncture practitioners cooperate with other providers and do not recommend altering medications or other therapies without consulting the personal provider. |
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LYNN SCHWARTZ, M.Ac. Licensed Acupuncture, National Board Certified (NCCAOM).